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PTA Christmas Fayre

Christmas Is Coming

Last Friday the PTA organised and held the annual Christmas Fayre, aimed at raising funds for the school and it was an absolute success. 

The hall was full of people having fun and spending money, and we were lucky enough to also secure a visit from Santa Claus himself.  He met the children and made sure he knows what they are hoping for on the 25th!

There were lots of stalls and activities to enjoy with a number of the tables run by the children in Year 5 and 6, making sure they spent the evening drumming up trade.  The visitors were also treated to another sparkling performance of Christmas songs by Stage Struck, the school performance group.  There was plenty to eat and drink with refreshments, sweets and a roaring BBQ that sold out.  We hear the chef (Mr Morgan) was particularly skilled!

At time of press, we do not yet have a total raised from the fayre, but thank you all if you came along and supported us or bought raffle tickets.  A massive THANKS to our brilliant PTA who fund so much extra in the school, with their efforts and determination!


address Eden Park Primary and Nursery School
Eden Park

phone 01803 854011
