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Year 3/4 Learning Experience

Kents Cavern Rocks!

This week, Year 3 and 4 went to Kents Cavern to introduce the learning experience.

Our topic this term (Time Tunnel), is all about the Stone Age, Bronze Age and Iron Age.  We are also learning about rocks and soils in Science.  Kents Cavern was the perfect location for our learning hook.

We really enjoyed the trip and here is a few facts that we discovered;

 If you had a headache in the Stone Age you could ask a friend to hit you in the head with a piece of flint.  The hole in your head released some pressure easing the pain, however this was very dangerous and could kill you!  Cave bears were around during the Stone Age and were 3m tall!  Although they were big and scary they didn’t originally eat meat.  Over time bears began hunting other animals (and humans), who were eating their food.

Kents Cavern is made from limestone.  Limestone is originally made by fish bones being covered by mud and debris over and over again.  Over many years it turns hard and becomes limestone.  It  was one of the first caves in England to have people live in it, however there is also evidence to show cave bears and hyenas lived there too!  Would you share your home with a bear?

By Libby and Elliot (Octopus class)


“This is the best trip I’ve ever been on!” 

Maddie (Octopus class)




address Eden Park Primary and Nursery School
Eden Park

phone 01803 854011
