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KS1 Hook - Animal Encounters

Wow!  What an incredible first day back to school.....

Wow!  What an incredible first day back to school after half term.  Today, we had an exciting visit from Chris from Animal Encounters who brought a range of different animals including a king snake, a python, a gecko, a chameleon, a large tortoise, a Madagascan hedgehog also known as a tenrec, a barn owl, a millipede and some stick insects.  We learnt lots of information about each of the animals.  For example; did you know that chameleons can’t change their colours, they can only make them brighter?  We are all really excited to start our new learning experience ‘The Really Wild Show’ and create our very own zoo. 

address Eden Park Primary and Nursery School
Eden Park

phone 01803 854011
