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Sports Festival Celebration

The annual Sports Day festival for Years 1 to Year 6 took place on the field...........

The annual Sports Day festival for Years 1 to Year 6 took place on the field at St. Margaret Clitherow School on Monday, with the Reception Sports Day being Wednesday.

The children were divided into small groups and all had the opportunity to take part in lots of different races of speed, strength, agility,technique  and stamina, each time competing against peers from the same year group in different classes. In this way we hope the children both learn to win or lose with grace and dignity.

The days ran very smoothly throughout, apart from an occasional swoop from protective seagulls, and all of the children seemed to enjoy it.  Those that came last were cheered and supported and encouraged as much as those coming first.

Many thanks to our friends at Margaret Clitherow for letting us use their field and putting toilets on it and lending us some of their gazebos, and to all of the parents that came to support their children.

A special note of appreciation to the PTA, who stayed throughout and sold refreshments, making much needed money for school funds and also to a group of Year 6 (Amelia, Tilly-May, Nik, Charlie and Baran) who helped all day with the younger ones on Monday before competing in their own events. On the Wednesday, some very reliable Year 4 pupils came and supported the youngest children with their events.

The class winners were:

Years 1 and 2:  Caterpillars

Years 3 and 4:  Dolphins

Years 5 and 6:  Lobsters

Well done to all who ran, skipped, threw, jumped, hopped and tried their hardest throughout their event day! 

We were very proud of you all.


address Eden Park Primary and Nursery School
Eden Park

phone 01803 854011
