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Dragon's Den

Years 5/6 present their learning outcome to parents/carers

Years 5/6 have been learning about how to run a business (with the help of local business owners—the Dragons!). We were grouped up in teams to pitch our ideas to the Dragons, and receive an investment of £5 to spend on resources to set up our companies. The staff and pupils bought items such as sweets, accessories and the sugar for candy floss etc, which went towards helping our event. Our goal was to raise enough money to make a tortoise garden, which is really cool! 

The day of the outcome was so exciting for everyone, because no one knew if we would make a profit, or go in to debt! Other classes in the school came to visit our stalls to buy our products, and all left very satisfied. Not surprisingly, the candy floss stall was extremely popular!

Later in the week, we celebrated with an awesome awards ceremony. The PTA came along to give us a cheque of £200, which contributed to an amazing total of £660! A huge thank you to everyone for their support, generosity and participation in our learning experience and outcome! 

By Eleanor & Shimma


address Eden Park Primary and Nursery School
Eden Park

phone 01803 854011
