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If A Picture Tells A Thousand Words...

Eden Park held its annual World Book Day celebrations this week

As normal, the school was alive with colour as all the children AND all the staff turned up in a costume representing a book character. The costumes were magnificent and really reflected just how much our parents and children value this experience to really get into books. We had a whole range of gansta grannies, Mr Foxes, Oliver Twists, fairies, super heroes, princesses, goblins, books, the elderly and the young, the wise and the beautiful as well as the evil and nasty!

The whole day was filled with story events, telling and reading books, work related to writing about books, colouring and drawing cartoons, as the main theme was picture books. We held a couple of competitions, awarded in assembly, for a raffle and also the most impressive costumes, each one winning a book token. There was also a cake sale, organised by the older children and the joy of “bedtime stories” when all the children came back in their PJs for stories, biscuits and a mug of hot chocolate and simply are allowed to revel in the joy of story. This year, we also offered parents the chance to stay during this, enjoy a cuppa, and hear about supporting reading at home.

All in all, a truly marvellous and enjoyable occasion!


address Eden Park Primary and Nursery School
Eden Park

phone 01803 854011
