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Once Upon A Wednesday

An opportunity for the children to be creative, free and expressive with our writing curriculum

The challenge was broken down for the different Key Stages. KS1 worked on a picture book by Simon Murray called “Icky Doo Dah”, a creature that lives in an attic. The children drew the attic and then built up their language to write a description of what it is like for a monster who lives in the attic above their heads.

In KS2, the children have worked on setting descriptions. For Years 3/4, this took the form of looking a high quality descriptions and unpacking how they work, learning and creating a vocabulary bank to structure their own setting descriptions. Years 5/6 were given the added challenge of writing to create different reader responses from their setting, through thinking about creating different emotions, such as peace and tranquillity or fear and apprehension. As an added incentive for KS2, the  school has been given an award to present for the strongest piece of writing, called the “Brenda Kettle Memorial Award for Literacy” presented by a local group, the Brixham Soroptimists. This means we have entered all of the writing into a competition to win the annual “Brenda”, in tribute to the Oscars. The winner is to be announced after Easter!

As always, it was a delight to see the children so fired up about writing and being like Crystal Creativity, many even giving up some lunch and play time to work on their final pieces. Truly inspiring!


address Eden Park Primary and Nursery School
Eden Park

phone 01803 854011
