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Maths-tastic In EYFS!

Take a look at how we learn maths in EYFS!

In Tadpoles Nursery, the children are learning all about different kinds of transport, which includes looking at the shapes and sizes of the wheels and windows. They have also been doing lots of sorting, separating counters by their shape, size and colour.

In Frogs nursery, the children have been working on both counting and fine motor skills, using water beads to fill the holes in the numicon. For an extra challenge the children had to find the corresponding numeral too!

The Ladybirds and Grasshoppers have been continuing to solve addition and subtraction problems. The adults have been challenging them this week, asking them to prove the answer in lots of ways to develop their reasoning skills. They have used lots of resources to help explain their thinking, such as number lines, numicon, pictures and objects.


address Eden Park Primary and Nursery School
Eden Park

phone 01803 854011
