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Dreaming Of The Sunshine!

A fun-filled day raising funds for the local Shoalstone Pool

On Friday last week, the school was full of summer colour and clothing as we dreamt of long summer days at the beach! The School Council have nominated “Shoalstone” as one of the charities that the school supports this year and so we had a fund raising day to help repair, some of the damage the pool suffered over the winter.

All of the events were designed and created by the children who had to get approval of Miss Clarke as the Council lead teacher before going ahead. We had a non-uniform day, a cake and refreshments sale and some games that the children could take part in.

In all, the school raised a magnificent £580, and this money will be presented to Carol Pearsall from the Shoalstone Committee in assembly. The committee were delighted to hear how much in total we would be contributing to the fund!

Just in case you were wondering, the School Council decide on a local, national and international charity each year, and the Senior leaders add one more. Our charities currently are Shoalstone Pool, Children in Need, The Poppy Appeal and Oxfam. Find out more about the school council in the Pupil Leadership section on the school website.


address Eden Park Primary and Nursery School
Eden Park

phone 01803 854011
