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SATs Going With A Swing!

Year 6 SATs week success!

This week in schools up and down the country, Year 6 have all been taking part in their annual SATS, a set of tests that measure how well the children have been making progress and that produce data used by the government to measure how well the school is doing.

The children had a series of tests across the week in maths (both reasoning and arithmetic), in reading, and  in punctuation, spelling and grammar. The Year 6 children’s attainment is also measured in science and in writing, but these are both by their teachers rather than currently as a test.

The best part of the week is always breakfast though! The children are invited in early and given bacon sandwiches, cereals and drinks to help set them up for the tests, and lots of staff from across the school come in to help with the food and also join in with the Year 5/6 team to help deliver the tests.

Whilst the children will not get their results for a few week yet (in their reports) we are confident that they have all done very well and were determined to do their very best, which is a reflection of their excellent attitudes to learning.


address Eden Park Primary and Nursery School
Eden Park

phone 01803 854011
