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Christmas Carol Services

Join us for our annual Christmas carol services!

The services take place on Tuesday 18th December 2018 at St Mary’s Church in Brixham. It is a traditional carol service, lasting approximately 30-40 minutes. Parents/Carers are welcome to come along to the service, which will take place at 10.00am & 1.30pm. Please see below for the service time for your child's class. Due to the number of children who will be in the church at the time, parents/carers are requested to sit in the pews at the back of the church only.

10.00am service - Grasshoppers, Butterflies, Caterpillars, Dolphins, Octopus, Lobsters & Sharks.

1.30pm service - Ladybirds, Bumblebees, Dragonflies, Pufferfish, Seahorses, Stingrays & Swordfish.

address Eden Park Primary and Nursery School
Eden Park

phone 01803 854011
