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A Real Toy Story

A world of story!

On Wednesday of this week, the whole school turned to a world of story!  The children immersed themselves in their own creations of their favourite toys that come to life, just like in the Pixar animation.  Many of the children brought the toys into school, or sent photographs of them, to act as an inspiration to them whilst they worked.

As part of our termly  “Once Upon a Wednesday,” normal learning is suspended and so we put aside maths, SPAG and reading, allowing the children time to be really imaginative and show all the values of one of or super heroes, Crystal Creativity.

In each year group, the focus and outcome were slightly different.  In Reception, the children drew their toys and wrote short pieces of writing about them to go in class books.  In Year 1 and 2, the children created their own story boards in pictures and turned these into their own story with a picture, for display in the Key Stage One building.  In Year 3 and 4 the children were given a story starter about a teddy bear who was stranded at the zoo - stuck in a Meerkat enclosure and the children worked on “what happened next!.” 

Finally, in year 5 and 6, the children were challenged to create a full story board on their toy in the “quest novel” that they have been focussing on this half term with their “Lost in Space Learning Experience.”  In all, the building was full of the noises of children imagining and creating for themselves, making decisions, thinking, and being passionate about their learning.


address Eden Park Primary and Nursery School
Eden Park

phone 01803 854011
