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Computing Graducate award

Steve Jobs

Vincent Cerf & Robert Kahn

Bill Gates

  • What impact has their work had on modern society today?
  • What impact Steve Jobs work had on your education?
  • Why was his actions so groundbreaking at the time?
  • What were Steve Jobs biggest successes and why?
  • What impact has their work had on modern society today?
  • What impact has their work had on your education?
  • Why were these individuals actions so groundbreaking at the time?
  • What were Cerf’s and Kahn’s biggest successes and why?
  • What impact has their work had on modern society today?
  • What impact has Gates’ work had on your education?
  • Why was this individuals actions so groundbreaking at the time?
  • What were Bill Gates biggest successes and why?

address Eden Park Primary and Nursery School
Eden Park

phone 01803 854011
