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We are extremely rigorous when it comes to improving attendance of our pupils and, as a result, the attendance figures in the school are improving across all year groups year on year. We wish to see it rise still further, an aim shared by the school community and one this is  part of the school development plan.  We support our families fully to ensure attendance continues to improve and regularly contact families whose children are not attending as often as they should.

There are a number of ways that parents can report their child absent from school. These include messaging us using the Arbor parent portal app, ringing the school directly (01803) 854011 and following the options to leave a voicemail or using the absence email:

We ask parents to make contact with the school on the first day of absence, and follow up parents that we have not heard from on the same morning.

National policy no longer allows schools to authorise holidays.  Special leave may however be granted in "exceptional circumstances". These circumstances include: Weddings, religious observance and funerals.

Our policy on this is shared with most schools in Torbay. The full attendance policy can be found within the policy section of this website.

"I just want to use this opportunity to thank you all for the hard work this year. I know how hard it has been for you all and I’m sure like many others you are fatigued and at times morale is not high. However, you don’t let this show around the children and parents." (Parent Survey, 2020)

address Eden Park Primary and Nursery School
Eden Park

phone 01803 854011
