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​Our Nurseries


"My dauGHter joined Tadpoles Nursery in September 2021. When she started she was a very shy little girl. She has grown in leaps and bounds and is now very chatty and outgoing. She absolutely loves the nursery and all of her teachers! I was super nervous when my daughter started, but the teachers have been nothing but brilliant! Thank you." (Parent view, 2022)

Eden Park benefits greatly from two excellent nurseries as part of the school, giving the children a wonderful helping hand with their early development. This is the start of your child’s path to learning.

“Tadpoles” is for younger children who can start from the term after they have their second birthday and the children can then move into “Frogs” in the September of the academic year that they are four, before joining the school full time in Reception.

At Tadpoles, we make sure your child's sense of adventure is nurtured in an exciting, stimulating environment which emphasises education but also encourages a sense of fun. We provide interesting activities to help the children develop their sensory skills such as painting, messy play and exploring sounds.

We aim to develop early skills of sharing, independence, taking turns, listening and sitting, concentration, making friends, and the first steps to separating from their parents ready for their school life. We ensure all children’s individual needs are met.


Step inside our Nursery for Tadpoles

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“Frogs” is part of a purpose built Foundation Stage unit which includes both the Frogs nursery and our Reception classes. This is so the children can interact with the Reception classes and teachers. At the end of July the children will be then well prepared for moving up into our Reception classes.

The children continue to learn through well planned, practical activities which they experience both indoors and in our two inviting outdoor areas. Frogs children will still learn through play and they will also take the first steps of learning phonics, reading and writing through familiarisation with the school Read, Write Inc. programme. 

Step inside our pre-school

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Outdoor Area

"both OF MY CHILDREN ATTEND eDEN pARK, THROUGH THE NURSERIES AND RECEPTION. The staff in the nurseries are absolutely brilliant, supporting both children who have absolutely loved attending. The confidence that they have gained has been massive. I couldn't recommend enough!" (PARENT VIEW, 2022)

"(In the Early Years) more of the disadvantaged children are achieving a good level of development. As with other disadvantaged pupils in the school, the difference between disadvantaged pupils' achievement and that of others is diminishing. This represents good progress from children's starting points."  (Ofsted, 2017)

Take a tour around our Eden Explorers Garden

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"The governing body's investment in provision for two and three year old children is reaping rewards. Both the Nursery for two year old children and the Nursery for three-year-old children provide a safe and enticing environment for children to explore. Adults are skilled and ambitious." (Ofsted, 2017)


Primary School Brixham

"Eden Park is a wonderful school and is the perfect fit for our son. He thoroughly enjoys himself in Tadpoles Nursery and is cared for extremely well. We trust all the teachers implicitly with his care. To me, there isn't a better school." (PARENT VIEW, 2022)

"THE NURSERY IS INCREDIBLE. I KNEW FROM MY FIRST VISIT THAT IT WAS WHERE I WANTED MY CHILD TO GO! From the education to the atmosphere, it is brilliant." (PARENT VIEW, 2022)

Visit for a list of recommend books for Early Years children.

Have a go at our 50 things to do in Early Years Challenge

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"I was so anxious when he started nursery, but all anxiety went when I saw how much he loved being there…we made the right choice in picking Eden park for our children’s education and development." (Parent Report Response, 2021)

address Eden Park Primary and Nursery School
Eden Park

phone 01803 854011
