In our RSE and PSHE curriculum, the progression of knowledge is linear. Each year group study the three central themes at the same time across the setting.


PSHE is an essential part of the children’s education. We intend to deliver a flexible curriculum, tailored to the needs of the children and considering all elements of personal development. 

We support development by encompassing many areas of the curriculum and so integrated teaching is encouraged. In addition, the school meets the new statutory teaching of RSE, and further details of coverage can be found in the school policy. 

We have taken account of a range of guidance documents to create our curriculum, including Talk Pants, SEAL, the PHSE Association recommendations, the Christopher Winter Project, and DFE guidance including “sexual violence and sexual harassment,” the policy statement for “relationships education and sex education, and personal, social, health and economic education.” We have taken account of the fundamental British Values documentation to support our structure as well as ensuring that our lead continues with professional development to maintain an understanding of this subject.

At Eden Park, we teach PSHE in three sections. In the Autumn term we focus on Relationships education, in the Spring term we focus on Living in the Wider world and in the Summer term we focus on Health education which includes our RSE education.