
We are proud of providing exciting hooks and enjoyable outcomes that engage our learners and promote a love of learning.

Our curriculum aims

The curriculum builds over time and enables pupils the chance to reflect upon and build on what they already know.

Design Technology
Early Years Foundation Stage
English - Reading
English - Writing
Fundamental British Values and Protected Characteristics
Long Term Plans
Modern Foreign Languages (MFL)
Physical Education (PE)
Religious Education (RE)

Curriculum Intent

Why have we designed our curriculum the way that we have?

We have taken time to produce a carefully considered curriculum so that children know more, remember more and can do more. This is achieved through an enquiry-based model which promotes independence and equips children with vital skills which can be applied to any aspect of life and learning. Our model motivates children to learn by aiming to make learning exciting, inspiring and encouraging their curiosity

The National Curriculum forms the spine of our curriculum. From this root, we have sequenced each subject to ensure knowledge and skills are built upon as children journey through school. Our curriculum structures both disciplinary and substantive knowledge. Our curriculum reflects the location of our community so that the work the children do is relevant and purposeful. 

Our curriculum is designed to support the personal development of all children. Eden Park’s learning values are integral to the model as they provide support for children to develop as people. British Values are explicitly referenced in our curriculum plans and we work hard to develop responsible citizens who are able to contribute to society. 

As children reach the end of their journey at Eden Park, we are confident that they will have gained a depth of curriculum knowledge and a love for learning. Their character will have developed and children should leave with ambition as we would have enriched the potential of every child. We aim for children to head into their future with confidence and influence and be successful in whatever path they wish to take.

Curriculum Impact

How will we know our curriculum is having a good impact?

Children will leave Eden Park academically, mentally and socially ready for life. Through our school values, children will have developed their character and be equipped with the essential tools needed to thrive in modern Britain and the wider world

Class teachers routinely evaluate the progress of pupils within and across lessons using the curriculum frameworks to make judgements. They use this information to analyse how effectively pupils are achieving or exceeding expectations and to adapt their planning accordingly. 

We also evaluate the impact of our curriculum through pre and post KAHOOT! quizzes; these allow us to see what progress has been made across the learning enquiry. In addition, the Senior Leadership Team, often accompanied by the Subject Leader, will talk to children and evaluate the impact of their learning

Children will be asked to talk about their learning, use correct tier 2 and tier 3 vocabulary, share their high quality outcome and also present their books.

Lesson pop-ins, book scrutiny, moderation of standards and staff development meetings also allow us to evaluate the impact of the curriculum.

The impact of the curriculum is also noted through comments we receive from parents/carers.

Curriculum Implementation 

How do you do this?

What we do:

  • EYFS follow their own curriculum which links seamlessly into Key Stage 1.
  • Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2 deliver the National Curriculum through long and short learning enquiries.
  • Children are ‘hooked’ into their learning through an engaging and inspirational hook.
  • We maintain the integrity of individual subjects.
  • Progression has been carefully planned.


  • Knowledge Organisers are shared to include tier 2 and tier 3 vocabulary.
  • An awareness of ‘end-points’ which provides full accountability.
  • Learning values are woven seamlessly into our enquiries.
  • The 6Es make up the learning cycle. Children engage, explore, explain, examine, elaborate and evaluate their learning.
  • Quizzing at the beginning and end of an enquiry to determine the depth of knowledge and progress made.
  • Assemblies and rewards are closely linked to our curriculum, providing motivation and enrichment.

How we do it:

  • Quality time spent learning about a single subject i.e. history.
  • Our ‘voices’, which are broken down into phases are progressive and clearly shows the disciplinary knowledge being taught.
  • Teachers work hard to make learning purposeful, engaging and relevant. We love trips and always welcome visitors. 
  • We are proud of our learning outcomes and always welcome parents and carers to join us to celebrate.
  • Quality texts and resources are always used.
  • We deliver bespoke interventions.
  • We make links to British Values throughout our learning.
  • Substantive knowledge is clear and should be updated to respond to local and global issues. 
  • A graduated response to SEN that follows Torbay’s guidance, including individual provision where necessary to meet the child’s needs. 

Our Teaching and Learning policy provides further information on implementation of the curriculum.

How can we help?
Whether you’re considering Eden Park Primary & Nursery School for your child, or they’re already a pupil with us, feel welcome to ask us anything.
Get in touch