Our School

We aim to enrich potential via an exciting, supportive and adaptive curriculum. Our values permeate all aspects of school life and we push our pupils to be the best they can so they have greater life choices.  

Turning potential into success

We believe in broadening horizons and understanding the individual - we are here to lift up our pupils to new heights.

“Leaders are developing a highly effective curriculum. All national curriculum subjects have carefully sequenced planning.  Leaders have used their deep knowledge of the community to ensure that plans make very good use of the local area.”
(Ofsted, 2023)

 “[ I] Really can’t praise every aspect enough. A really lovely school.”


Primary Education
Citizenship Council
Reception Classes
Pastoral Care
Year Groups
School Day & Organisation
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EYFS - Nurseries

Our Tadpoles and Frogs nurseries take children from when they turn 2 right up until they are ready to start in Reception. The learning, curriculum and values of the school start here to provide the best foundations for our pupils to be successful.

EYFS - Reception

Our curriculum programme continues from our nurseries and builds in Reception to help children develop and acquire the skills they need, gain an enthusiasm for learning, and a confidence to try new things. This enables continued steady progress throughout their time at school.

Primary Education

Our curriculum builds in a cyclical manner enabling pupils to revisit prior learning whilst building new skills and acquiring new knowledge that can be linked in a meaningful way to what they already know. This approach enables steady progress throughout the school.

Pastoral Care

We see each pupil as an individual and understand each will have different needs. Our pastoral team help process emotions and work therapeutically with our pupils to remove barriers that would otherwise hinder personal growth, wellbeing and success.

Year Groups

Explore our year groups below and learn more about our curriculum plans, staff and organisation.

Our School Day and Organisation

Here is where you will find the information to understand how our school is structured, what our daily routines are and we support pupils’ learning and development.

School Newsletters and Letters

Staying up-to-date means you won’t miss an opportunity to learn, experience what the children have been doing, and know what events are on the horizon. Check out our newsletters and letters which are designed to keep everyone informed and engaged with our school community.  

School Houses

From Year 1 - Year 6, the children are sorted into house teams and work together to build points across the term that lead to a reward for the winning house. The house teams are named after key sporting individuals and were named in conjunction with the Sports Leaders.

What people are saying about Eden Park Primary & Nursery School

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