SEND should not be a barrier to success, it is all about understanding and adapting to help all children make progress and achieve.

Inclusion is a fundamental aspect of life at Eden Park. Lessons and learning are planned to ensure all achieve and that potential barriers or difficulties are supported so that all can achieve their full potential. 

Our policy for SEND aims to provide all children with equal access to the resources and opportunities available in school. 

Our school offer/policy can be found following the link below. Our offer illustrates the range of expertise we can offer. We work alongside children to achieve positive outcomes and frequently design individualised programmes. You will also find below the link to the Torbay Family Hub, which is the Local Authority’s offer.

We believe that you begin with the child and so we often start with observations in the classroom. We like parents to keep talking to us in order for us to have a very clear picture of the needs of their child and so we will arrange to meet regularly so there is clarity and consistency around what is needed.

We offer a great deal of experience with special needs children and we create programmes where the children are both supported in and out of class, sometimes individually or as part of a smaller group.

External professionals will be asked to contribute if needed.

We embrace our differences and this can mean that educational needs will vary. This is certainly the case for children with SEND as well as those who are considered gifted and talented. 

Torbay Offer: Home - Family Hub (
SENDIASS:  Sendiass Torbay | Torbay

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