School Calendar

For the most up to date information see our Facebook page, but below you can find the key events and information for this school year.

Apply for a nursery space using the links below
Parent link January 2025:

Parent link April 2025:

Parent Link September 2025:
School Event
12 May
SATs Week (Year 6 only) - Spelling Punctuation and Grammar Test

School Event
13 May
SATs Week (Year 6 only) - Reading

School Event
14 May
SATs Week (Year 6 only) - Maths Paper 1 - Arithmetic and Maths Paper 2 - Reasoning

School Event
15 May
SATs Week (Year 6 only) - Maths Paper 3 - Reasoning

Month Year

There are currently no events booked for this month.

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Would you like to discover how Eden Park Primary & Nursery School can help your child to work towards a bright, successful future?
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