Parent, Teacher and Friends Association
The aim of our PTA is to raise funds for the school via various fundraising activities throughout the year and to organise social events for all to partake in.

Thank you for expressing an interest in our PTA (Parent Teacher Association). All parents who have children at the school are automatically members, and your support will be most welcome!
The PTA hold a committee meeting each term and an Annual General Meeting during the Autumn Term to elect committee members and plan the year ahead. We are a small but highly effective and very friendly group.
The PTA have in recent years paid for the library refurbishment, outdoor learning space renovation, climbing frame repair and additional library books. They also run many enjoyable family events throughout the year including a Summer Fayre, a Christmas Fayre and a range of discos for children.
Please get in contact with the front desk in the first instance if you are interested in finding out more or have a service you would be happy to provide.