
Our nurseries are where our children begin their journey, learning through play and understanding our 5 core values of respect, independence, wellbeing, creativity and teamwork.

Positive development

There is a flying start to education in our nurseries. The children begin to form the building blocks for successful learning.

“Children make a flying start in the effective early years provision. Early years leaders are ambitious for all. Staff work to deliver leaders ambition with skill and enthusiasm. They encourage children to make the most of the learning opportunities provided. Positive relationships underpinthe high expectations staff have for children.”
(Ofsted, 2023)


Tadpoles welcomes children from the term after they turn 2, offering an exciting, educational, and fun environment. We nurture adventure and sensory skills while preparing early learners for school and independence.


Frogs, for those turning 4, is alongside Reception classes, helping them transition. By July, they're ready to move, having learnt through play, started phonics, reading, and writing via Read, Write Inc. They also enjoy 2 outdoor areas.

Working Together

Our nurseries work closely alongside the Reception team to ensure consistency and a quality provision. Children become familiar with staff across the EYFS provision easing transitions when they start school.

Children in
Safe Hands

We believe in giving our children the best possible start to school life and are invested in developing a skillful and passionate Early Years team of staff to guide and support your child through their Nursery and Foundation years.

Our staff are all trained in the Trauma-Informed School approach, ensuring that the children receive a fully nurturing approach and all staff are highly trained in the delivery of phonics.

What does Eden Park do well?

"Phonics, knowing the children and their individual strengths and needs. The teachers are approachable and understanding." (Parent survey, 2024).

Apply for a nursery space using the links below
Parent link April 2025:

Parent Link September 2025:

Invoicing – Please note we aim to invoice one term in advance. Parents will need to pay in advance as per out nursery policy.  The prices are £8.50 an hour for a Tadpoles child and £6.00 an hour for a Frog child.

With regards to funding and funding codes, please talk to the office staff/email  Alternatively Mrs Foster is available to help with any queries.  

We also attached two links below, these will give you the guidance you need.

Childcare Service Government Gateway Sign In

Check you're eligible for free childcare if you're working - GOV.UK

Any questions?
Something you’re not sure about? Please ask us and we’ll be pleased to explain.
Get in touch